Meet the councillors and check for member vacancies.
Meeting dates are subject to change. When looking for details of a particular meeting, please contact the relevant officer to confirm that the meeting is going ahead as scheduled.
The minutes to all the councils meetings are uploaded by the Clerk, with the recent 6 meetings listed and all previous located within the site archive.
All the Parish Council policies and documentation is available for viewing, and includes Councillors Code of Conduct, the Good Councillors Guide 2018.
The Parish Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. This information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.
The Council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Parish Clerk) and the members of the Council monitor the income and expenditure at every meeting. The Council also appoints an independent internal auditor to assess the internal controls of the Council such as such as ensuring payments made have been signed off by the Council and checks the Council’s overall compliance with relevant legislation.